Learn New Testament (Koine) Greek
This course is not currently running.
God willing there will be another course in the future.
Please inform us if you would like us to seek to organise another.
Christ Church,
Christchurch Avenue,
Teddington TW11 9AB
If you wish to attend then please send an email to
to register and we will discuss putting on another course.
The course will concentrate on fluency in reading, translating and analysing the text,
and look at what is lost in translation. Grammar will be kept to a minimum.
Learn New Testament Greek in the way you acquired your own mother tongue. This course teaches NT Greek as a living language. Acquire and improve the skills of: Conversation and comprehension, listening, speaking, reading, writing.
The objectives are to: cultivate a love for God’s word in the original Greek; learn its importance; study 1 John and other texts in the original NT Greek including your favourite verses; and discover what is often lost in translation.
This course is suitable for adults and children (accompanied by a parent) with little or no knowledge of Greek.
The tutor is a native Greek-speaker with a ThM (Master of Theology) from Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia.
For more information on NT Greek see:
Learn New Testament (Koine) Greek
This course is not currently running.
God willing there will be another course in the future.
Please inform us if you would like us to seek to organise another.
Christ Church,
Christchurch Avenue,
Teddington TW11 9AB
If you wish to attend then please send an email to
to register and we will discuss putting on another course.
The course will concentrate on fluency in reading, translating and analysing the text,
and look at what is lost in translation. Grammar will be kept to a minimum.
Learn New Testament Greek in the way you acquired your own mother tongue. This course teaches NT Greek as a living language. Acquire and improve the skills of: Conversation and comprehension, listening, speaking, reading, writing.
The objectives are to: cultivate a love for God’s word in the original Greek; learn its importance; study 1 John and other texts in the original NT Greek including your favourite verses; and discover what is often lost in translation.
This course is suitable for adults and children (accompanied by a parent) with little or no knowledge of Greek.
The tutor is a native Greek-speaker with a ThM (Master of Theology) from Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia.
For more information on NT Greek see: